Angular Blues n.2

2024, oil on canvas, 50 cm x 60 cm, framed in ash wood.

Blue Noon

2024, oil on canvas, 75 cm x 75 cm, framed

Alcaufar, ponton

1m x 1m , ash framed , oil on canvas


le Ponton des possibles

2024, acrylic and oil on canvas, 1m x 1m , framed in white oak


15 cm x 15 cm, acyles on wood panel



oil on canvas, 100 cm x 80 cm, frame in Ash

Le Complexe du Homard 2018, Oil on Canvas (40cm x 45cm)

Le complexe du Homard

2019, oil on canvas, 65cm x 50cm,framed.


At the end of summer , as the shadows lengthen, a group of teenagers plays self-consciously on the beach. They are simultaneously liberated from their maturing bodies and constrained by the scrutiny of their peers.

The artist is portraying the ambivalence associated with adolescence : the time in a child’s life when playing loses its frivolity and becomes something far more tribal and self-conscious.



2020, oil on board, framed , 24cm x 24cm




2018, oil on canvas 50 cm x 40 cm

Promenade, 2018, Oil on Canvas (50cm x 40cm)



2022, oil on canvas, 50 cm x 70 cm, framed


Generation Gap

2019, oil on canvas, 45 cm x 35 cm, framed


Climate Change 1.0

2019, Oil on wood, 23 cm x 23 cm

SOLD , prints available ( see prints section)

Climate change 2.0, 2019, Oil on Canvas (60cmx60cm) SOLD

Climate change 2.0

2020, oil on canvas, 70 cm x70 cm


Fin de journée à la plage, 2020, oil on canvas,  (120 cm x 90 cm )SOLD

Fin de journée à la plage

2020, oil on canvas, 120 cm x 90 cm


Bleu comme toi

2021, 81 cm x 76 cm , oil on canvas


Here comes the sun

2021, 60cm x 50cm, oil on canvas, framed


The trick is to keep breathing

2022, 65cm x 86 cm, oil on canvas, framed.


Private beach

2021, 28cm x 36cm, oil on wood panel, framed.

Just us in Amalfi

2022, 35cm x 30cm, oil on canvas.


A Smaller Splash

2021, 20cm x 20cm , acrylic on wood panel, framed

Not for sale